Scheduling Time
You may find a regularly scheduled time for portfolio management helps both you and learners become comfortable with routines and expectations.
For suggestions related to introducing/making time for PBLA in your classroom, see the supplementary document in the sidebar of this page, Teaching Tips and Strategies.
Teacher’s Master Checklist
Keeping a master checklist of the artefacts that learners add to their portfolios may be helpful. The checklist helps you to monitor PBLA and ensure that you have administered a sufficient number of skill-using and assessment tasks in each skill and across a range of competency areas.
The master checklist also helps keep you on track, so that at the end of the term, you don’t suddenly discover that too few listening tasks have been included or that assessment tasks only considered Getting Things Done, for example. It will also facilitate the portfolio review process and can be as simple as keeping your own version of the Portfolio Skills Inventory Sheets that are found in the sidebar of this page.